What is the different types of hasch out there? We all know that it’s called the bionic, the bomb, the puff, the blow, the black, the herb, the sensie, the cronic, the sweet Mary Jane, the shit, Ganja, split, reefa, the bad, the buddha, the home grown, the ill, the maui-maui, the method, pot, lethal turbo, tie, shake, skunk, stress, whacky, weed, glaze, the boot, dimebag, Scooby Doo, bob, bogey, back yard boogie. But what is the other terms for it?
The Mary Jane won’t hurt you. But it will make you stay home and eat a pizza. I fink the Beer will lead to bad domestic news.
BIG up yourselves
Ali G
Nobody in Church like me
We are going to interview
the new secretary general, the Portuguese geezer who made drugs legal in Portugal
We need paz/peace more than ever Mr. Cohen
I want to ask you about orgasm medicine. about dr. Willhelm Reich
IS this the reason Hand Galina jolie is on board with UN medicine?
I heard of a man with a microscope
one of the Royals…will the UN have this scientology?
I want everyone to have a good night’s sleep
Tensions between India and Pakistan have softened.
Tensions between Israel and Iran will fade too.
Secretary General: TONY TONI TONE
I just want to live
without becoming obsolete