
The debt reached 66.9% of GDP in Germany. Salute America’s base Lindeman. UR LEADER OF 1000 year REICH. 

Till Lindemann


Pink’s mind control made the world government choose U.

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salve me rex tremandae


J will Speak in gladspeak true ruler of njemacka Knauss Sega reward…Sega Soccer with Oliver Knauss

achtung! pay attention

German Election
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12 thoughts on “Germany

  1. Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit /
    Für das deutsche Vaterland! /
    Danach lasst uns alle streben /
    Brüderlich mit Herz und Hand! /
    Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit /
    Sind des Glückes Unterpfand; /
    Blüh’ im Glanze dieses Glückes, /
    Blühe, deutsches Vaterland! /

    English translation:

    Unity and justice and freedom /
    For the German fatherland! /
    Towards these let us all strive /
    Brotherly with heart and hand! /
    Unity and justice and freedom /
    Are the foundation of happiness; /
    Flourish in the radiance of this happiness, /
    Flourish, German fatherland!

  2. Germany’s Forests Are Dying
    John A Halford Bio

    Click here to link to this Plain Truth Magazine article.
    Download PDF:
    Germany’s Forests Are Dying
    In the original text published by the Worldwide Church of God under Herbert W Armstrong.
    View PDF:
    Germany’s Forests Are Dying
    In the original text published by the Worldwide Church of God under Herbert W Armstrong.
    It has been said that Indians worship their cows and Germans worship their trees. India’s cows can often be seen wandering the streets of Madras, Calcutta and Bombay — sad, often half — starved creatures struggling to survive in an unnatural and unhealthy environment. They may be in better condition than Germany’s trees!
    The German people have an almost mystical relationship with their forests. Three quarters of the population of this densely populated country visit the forest at least once a month. Twenty-five percent of West Germany’s area is still covered with trees, and the forests are a traditional refuge from the stress of city life. But the forests may not be for much longer, it seems.
    Germany’s trees are dying at an alarming rate. The damage was noticed in the Black Forest in the early 1960s when diseased fir trees were found. It was not taken seriously at first, but by the late 1970s, the condition of the fir trees gave cause for serious concern. Now, the problem has grown to crisis proportions. Some experts studying the situation say that already one third of the trees have died and half . of those left may be terminally ill. They have warned that unless drastic action is taken immediately, large tracts of forestland may be reduced to barren waste by the turn of the century. Germany is on the edge of an ecological disaster.

    The German people are concerned, for Waldsterben — the death of the trees — will affect every inhabitant of this nation.

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