
Russian Federation: No official motto. Unofficial motto – Forward, Russia! (Россия, вперёд!, Rossiya, vperyod!), God is with us! (С нами Бог!, S nami Bog!)

Pussy Riot, the Solzhenitsyns of a new Russia? Dr. Ilmi Umerov, the Soviet-era practice of punitive psychiatry is alive and well…PUTIN has No bad dreams…no PTSD…just an amoral Psychopath

Russian Election
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30 thoughts on “Russia

  1. Nadya isn’t fit to rule yet…not crazy enough to push the button and unleash ss 18 satan….war pigs….satan laughing spreads his wings

    gotta find that war pigs video

  2. If u died Vuk…Putin wouldn’t give a shit…he has his own messiah complex and sycophants who feed his ego:

    2 years imprisonment for a victimless crime? Show trial like the soviet days…Putin is a coward and a shitty judo fighter

  3. Ur going against Christ Putin…& The Titan missile

    covid gave us our webcam churches

    but Christ’s church is superior to any live stream worship


    Miley Cyrus brought her mullet back! Never one to fear experimenting with a daring new look, the musician, 27, recruited mom Tish Cyrus, 53, to help cut her hair into a “pixie mullet” since she wouldn’t be able to see hairstylist Sally Hershberger due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.May 19, 2020

  5. joe_jukic
    i also have another script about a russian woman who’s mission it is to save the siberian tiger

    if u are a good girl, i will write my russia in the 90’s movie, where a ballerina falls in love with a member of the russian mafia

    the end of the trilogy is a var zakonje named vlad who laser erases his tattoos to take over the russian government….only to be put back in the gulag by a ferocious incorruptible russian woman named nadya

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